Sunday, November 11, 2012

Disney detox

It has been two years since our last Disney trip and for those that know Nate and I, that's two years too many. We dropped off our Zoe's nose who didn't make the cut, because we all know how 20 month olds love to hold still and sit in a stroller and ride quietly on a plane. Thanks to my sis in law and sister who I hope still love Zoey after spending several days and evenings with her.

It was such an amazing fun trip. We left and it was 95 degrees in Anaheim and came home to snow and 30 degree weather.

Evey did amazing and was the perfect baby. We had no feeding pump issues.  She slept on the plane and so far she seems to not have gotten any virus which will set us up for her next surgery in 10 days.

The trip was also a reminder about our little Owen. Truthfully, since Evey has been born Owen's autism has taken a back seat.  He has come so far in all of his therapy for the last two years and most people don't even notice, nor do we tell them that he has Autism. There's a fine line as a parent where you don't want Owens autism or even Evey's koolen syndrome to define them and you also don't want to talk about it all the time because there's so much more to our supreme team. Needless to say, our first day in Disneyland we were confronted full force that our little Owie has some unique quirks. After several screaming, shaking and yelling tantrums, with the help of cousins and nana and papa we finally convinced him to go on just one ride. We baby stepped our way through Disneyland, until we finally took him over to the new cars land in California adventure and that was it, he was sold on Disney madness.  Subsequently, we pretty much stayed in Cars Land the rest of the trip and had a blast.  It was so amazing to see our boys grinning from ear to ear on everything cars, especially after all the bouncing around they've done these last 6 months with Eveys surgeries. They deserved this trip more than anyone, except for Nate that is.

So thanks sisters for the amazing time and for reminding me that I'm not the only ridiculous one out there having too many kids too fast. Until 2014 ladies.


  1. LOVE! So glad you guys took this trip, you all deserve a little vacay time. I love the boys' faces in your first family picture, it's a classic I'm-on-a-family-vacation shot.

    And Cal, you are looking AMAZING! Keep up the good work woman, you rock.

  2. Definitely our best family vacation yet. Is it too soon to start getting excited for 2014???
