Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Working hard or hardly working

For the first time in a long time I'm feeling busy, busy, and more busy. The schedules are officially all over the place, coupled with no sleep, I'm left to wonder once again how I am even remembering to breathe (insert blonde joke here).

The Botox for Evey has finally worn off from the thanksgiving surgery and the bad news is Evey's torticollis is bad - like major bad; coupled with her 46 degree curvature scoliosis we've got the perfect storm. For you math majors, yes picture a 46 degree angle and then picture that angle on Evey's spine and that's how bad it is. We had an MRI last week to rule out a tethered spine and thankfully it came back clear which means we avoided immediate surgery, good news. When Evey had her head surgery back in Nov both the plastic surgeon and the neurosurgeon mentioned how even the bones in her head were misaligned and nothing was straight like it should be, even her soft spot was way off to the side. Which is leading us all to believe, structurally from the head down the neck and spine are a hot mess. For now, because they won't operate until at least a year old we are in therapy mode. We are in weekly occupational, feeding, and physical therapy. This is on top of all the doctors appointment and the two new specialists we added this week- endocrinologist and rehab specialist. My favorite part of it all is that Evey is so happy through all the poking, prodding and stretching. Everyone always comments on it too, I beam like a proud mama when everyone comments on how tough she is. It was my one hope for my daughters and I have two of the toughest girls I know in my presence.

Meanwhile back at the homestead, we had our semi-annual report at Owen's autism school and he is officially age level on everything but fine motor and cognitive skills. That is such a big deal from where we were even a year ago! We have officially found him a kindergarten and it is mainstream city for him. Eli has found a new preschool that hopefully loves him as much as he loves them. Zoey is jumping into the twos full force, and as you can see from the picture below she still has her peanut allergy. One of the boys touched her with peanut butter on their fingers and that was just the beginning of the swelling. Although, Zoey on Benadryl is oh so entertaining. Nate is being super husband/dad as usual. That's why this family of ours works - he's the rock and the glue and makes us laugh until we all pee our pants through all the craziness. If you need a pick-me-up ask him to do his downton abbey impressions and accent, it'll change your life.

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