Thursday, May 30, 2013


What is normal? I can tell you this much, not a single one in our family is normal. Sometimes it's hard to decipher who has special needs in our family, as it varies from minute to minute, even amongst the adults.  Nate & I do our very best to get our kids out of the house to remind them that life isn't about being dropped off at relatives and going to the doctor and hospitals.  Lately, they've been looking for minor ailments to have an excuse to go to the doctor or the hospital.  They've grown to love the doctors and hospitals and I'll be shocked if they don't all end up in the medical field in one form or another when they're older.  So this is what our family does when we're pretending to be "normal".  Riding bikes, soccer time, and hiking around the mountains.  We can still do everything we love with just a little more prep time.  There's no other 5 people I'd rather pretend to be normal with than them.  They make every day so worth it.

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